Red Bud Assisted Living Center; UA123456

"A Day Lived Without Doing Something Good For Others Is A Day Not Worth Living. Spread Love Everywhere You Go. Let No One Ever Come to You Without Leaving Happier."

Mother Teresa

Please call us for a free quote

1 (800) 123-1234


At Red Bud we strive to offer the best environment for our residents and work family.

Please print the application form and background check form (see below),
fill both out, and fax to (405) 547-8355 or bring to Red Bud Assisted Living.

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Background Check

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Application Form

Positions Currently Available

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Must be able to pass a background check.

Job Type: Full-time, Night Shift

Salary: $11.00 to $11.50 per hour



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Red Bud Assisted Living Center, locally owned in Perkins, Oklahoma, provides care for senior citizens. Staff members are available 24/7 to attend to senior needs, personal care, housekeeping, medication management, and other activities of daily living. Red Bud residents enjoy delicious and nutritious meals; activities to promote mental, emotional, and physical health; and special events and holiday celebrations. Red Bud Assisted Living Center is conveniently located between Stillwater and Cushing, less than an hour from Oklahoma City. Healthcare at a variety of facilities in Stillwater, Drumright, Cushing, Guthrie, and Edmond, is only minutes away.

Drop in any time for a tour or call our executive director at (405) 547-8311 for more information.